What People Say
Tina has been nothing short of excellent. I was looking for someone who understood TMS and could help me with the extreme anxiety, compulsive perfectionism, IBS and CPPS symptoms I was experiencing. Her therapy gives you the tools to recover and more. I've been able to go from thinking non-stop, fearing pretty much everything, to actually almost being laid back! Which is crazy! Family and friends have noticed a distinct change in how I am day to day, which is really great.
What I think is especially important is that I have not just been given tools to 'cope', I have been shown a process and have slowly learnt and experienced it. This isn't really something you can 'lose' once you understand it. I am now more resilient and able to tackle day to day with more joy and less stress.
My CPPS and IBS symptoms are now under control. I can go and do what I want without worrying about them. They are not totally gone yet, but I have many days gone by without any symptoms whatsoever. I am experiencing fewer and fewer symptoms with every passing week and have no doubt I can completely resolve them with a little more time. I don't experience any pain whatsoever anymore if I get symptoms.
Overall, I feel like I have control over my mind and body again!
I can’t thank you enough Tina. Every session was mind blowing and full of epiphanies. You were always open, honest, and made it easy for me to be the same.
I can’t quite believe the transformation I’ve made, because of you. I still have pain and symptoms here and there - much less than before, which is the ultimate goal - but I don’t feel as much anxiety around them, and I have a new found ability to get on with my life and have fun! I have more energy, I procrastinate less, I have fewer “down” moments, and I’m feeling more ambitious than ever. If I do have a bad day, I’m able to ease myself out of it much quicker than I used to. Sometimes I have to slow myself down, because I’m doing too many POSITIVE AND EXCITING things, but that’s just affirmation of the progress.
I had identified a link between my getting into a new relationship, and a sudden physical symptom and sense of intense unease (burning mouth) that had nothing to do with the behaviour of my new partner. I knew something deeper was going on!
SIRPA website
I wanted to work with a therapist who was trained in the mind-body connection. And then I chose you specifically because of your statement on the SIRPA website - it was really clear, warm, and I felt confident you'd understand, having been a pain patient!
Burning mouth; vulvodynia; anxiety
Enlightening! Having sessions every month was really manageable, I found that I always left sessions feeling lighter and more optimistic than when I joined them. It felt like we were solving a puzzle together.
I expected that you'd help me make sense of what I was experiencing emotionally and then physically, and that it would be about you leading me to where I needed to go, rather than solving all my problems for me. I knew there'd be work for me to do!
100% brighter!!! Without you, my mouth would probably still be on fire. I'd be suffering horrible constant yeast overgrowth. Instead - I have a wonderful healthy relationship, I feel motivated creatively, my mouth is normal and my vulval pain is manageable
Just get started! You won't regret it.
Because you manage to strike a balance between being both professional and like a friend. You really tailored the process to what would work for me, you explained things really clearly, you always knew the right thing to say. Great to chat to generally!
2. Likely
4. Extremely Likely
Just thank you so much!
a diagnosis anxiety and stress
because i thought you were the right person for my problem
bad mood pain in various parts of the body never feeling relaxed
really very good and encouraging
is just right
in the way makes me understand the meaning of self-respect and ignore the negative energy of others
much better and hopeful
to give a call to tina
because of the results I got after 4 months of sessions
2. Likely
5. I definitely will
I was so lucky that I had chosen the right person to solve my problem
What was it that caused you to investigate the idea of therapy to help with your symptoms?
What caused me to investigate the idea of therapy, was that I was getting sick mentally of having IBS stop me from in a sense living my life. I wanted to do therapy for a while but was delaying it.
Why did you choose to work with me, rather than anyone else?
Was looking at the other reviews that your past patients have said and knowing you had IBS yourself before.
How did you find the process of therapy?
I found the process of therapy logical and the steps that were taken to go through the issues and thoughts in each session. Seemed also well planned and the reasons to do each things such as mediation, exposure therapy and worry tree etc had it's reasons.
Was it helpful/interesting to understand where and how your problems developed?
In What Way?
I believe that finding the root cause of something will help break the cycle of anxiety and IBS related symptoms so helping to know the cause and how my problems initially developed helped understand the symptoms and why they occur
If you feel comfortable, please share the physical symptoms of IBS you were experiencing at the beginning of therapy?
Diarrhoea, high level of anxiety, stomach cramps, would avoid going to places and doing things
Do you still experience any physical IBS symptoms? If so, are they as distressing as they were previously?
I still experience physical IBS symptoms from time to time but they are not as distressing as it was when they occur as I know and have more confidence I can deal with it. I also try not to think that "stomach pain" is always due to IBS and it could be something else. So rather than pointing the issue at IBS will look at other reasons
If you feel comfortable, please share an example of the IBS thoughts you were experiencing at the beginning of therapy?
Would think is this even living anymore? Not being able to go out much and enjoy life.
How do you think differently from before therapy?
Have a better outlook on life and future prospects and feel more excited and happy to do things when people ask about plans rather than just thinking of the negatives and not wanting to go out when asked.
If you feel comfortable, please share an example of things were avoiding, due to IBS, at the beginning of therapy?
- Going out to see friends
- Going out by myself to just go places
- Being more spontaneous
Do you still avoid those things? If not, why?
I do less to avoid these things because I feel more confident in dealing with my anxiety and handling the symptoms. Reducing the "What Ifs" and being more in the present than trying to worry about the future which is out of my control.
If you feel comfortable, please share an example of the unhelpful behaviours you were doing at the beginning of therapy?
- Googling symptoms,
- checking where the toilets are to places I go
- Avoiding doing things and going to places
- Worrying
- Taking medicines that I probably didn't need to
Do you still carry out those unhelpful behaviours? If not, why?
I don't carry on majority of them. I might carry on one or two but it is alot less than before and I am able to convince myself that I don't need to do it as much or at all.
How does your future look now, compared to how it might have been had you not had therapy with me?
Future looks more promising and I am looking to being able to go out more with friends and in general experience and finally live my life to how I want too.
What would you say to anyone thinking about starting therapy to overcome stress and anxiety?
I think it is worth giving it a shot as you have nothing to lose but very much to gain. In understanding the cause of your stress and anxiety and in turn taking control of your stress and anxiety, you can take control of your life back.
Would you recommend working with me?
How likely do you think it would be to have a flare up of symptoms in the future?
1. Possible but not likely
If you do have a flare up of symptoms, how likely is it that you will be able to cope?
4. Extremely Likely
I have the necessary tools and mindset to understand how to take control of the flare up and in the mindset that I am able to control the situation and know how to deal with it if it occurs
Please include any other comments about the service or therapy you received from Evolve Psychotherapy, Evolvewithtina, or Tina.
Tina is very friendly and welcoming and understanding. She will listen to you and help you understand the cause of the issues and help you with methods in dealing with it. I would recommend her fully in starting your path to take back control in your life
Without therapy, I would have continued in the same cycle of anxiety and depression, then recover a bit and then it would start again. I can now recognise the signs of me becoming anxious/ stressed and stop it.
“I chose to work with Tina because a family member had used her service and I have seen the changes that are possible with the right help.
I was experiencing mind fog, not feeling good enough, people pleasing, trying to make everyone happy and feeling like I was failing at it. I was manic, single-minded, tired, angry, resentful, confused. Unsure of myself or my emotions.
The process of therapy was an eye opener. I found it hard at first. It was very emotional and raw. As the sessions progressed, it became easier to be open and honest. It was very therapeutic learning how to let go of unnecessary thoughts and feelings.
I found Tina’s model really helpful as it helped me to identify how/why/where the thoughts and feelings started and how to deal with them. You only know what you are taught.
Therapy wasn’t what I had expected. I thought it would be someone just talking to me about how I feel, and I wasn’t really expecting results. I wasn’t expecting to get to the very heart of the matter and learn to deal with it safely. It helped to change the way I think about things.
Tina had a way to put me at ease and made me feel safe so I could say what I really wanted to say without the fear of hurting or offending anyone. She was very easy to talk to and had a way of getting things out of you without you realising it.
If anyone is considering therapy, I’d say “Do it!” It’s really that simple.
The future now looks like the blind has been lifted and I can see the sun. I have a clarity in my mind I’ve never had before. It feels so good to feel free. I am in a very good place now.
Therapy has really changed the way I think and feel. It has helped me to change my lifestyle for the better.
Anxiety - mixed emotions, tearful, worrying
Depressed - felt useless
Unable to sleep, having dreams or waking in night
I have taken a few tools away to stamp out the over thinking and constant worrying
the worrying and how to reduce the worrying
Before I was lost with little direction and constantly worrying
During the hardest days I was unable to work in the office
Now I am able to carry out my work and have returned to the office working with the people who caused my anxiety
To be open minded
You showed empathy
Very knowledgeable and insightful
2. Likely
5. I definitely will
I have been one of Tina’s clients for 3 months an I have to say Tina is an amazing person, very Professional, Extremely understanding, patient an very caring in every way I was in a very dark place an over the past 3 months, I’ve had 8 + sessions with various coping strategies and many methods of coming to terms with the issues I had and I am excited to say that I am now back to my normal self an in a much better place I’m ready to restart a new chapter in my life all thanks to Tina.. I Highly recommend (TINA) Evolve psychotherapy for any one who is Suffering or struggling with any issues no matter how big or small, hand on hart if your in need of any help or just some one to talk to Tina is that that person, Very professional and caring at the highest Level, I can’t thank you enough Tina many many thanks Scott.
I would most definitely recommend Tina, my sessions with her have transformed the way I look at things and process them. Due to my anxiety and worry problems I hit a very low place and thank you to Tina for her help, her understanding and her experience I am now back to liking myself again feeling very positive and am so much more in control, thank you Tina for everything it is a true gift that you give to people
I feel I have achieved a lot through the sessions I have had, and I am extremely grateful for the support that has been given. Some of the tasks I have been given I have not been able to complete due to working a lot but the ones I have done have helped me challenge certain things like anxiety. I think it is a bonus when your therapist is a very happy and bubbly character which always made me feel very comfortable.
Tina has been extremely helpful in making me see I’m not cursed, and the accident couldn’t have been avoided.
I contacted Tina at Evolve about my phobia of driving. I decided it was time to speak to someone professional about my problem and she came highly recommended. When we first met, I was really embarrassed but she put me at ease immediately. During our sessions she didn’t judge, showed complete empathy and never pushed me to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with. At our initial consultation she asked about my anxiety; how it affected my thoughts, what it stopped me doing and how it made me feel physically.... I hadn’t thought about it before but when we got talking things started to make sense. We took everything at my pace and although out of my comfort zone at times I always felt safe and supported. Part of my treatment involved a virtual reality element which was amazing; it really felt like I was sitting in a car! Four months into therapy and I’ve just had my first driving lesson — that’s something I never thought I’d say! I’m actually looking forward to the next time I get behind the wheel… not bad for someone who had a panic attack at the thought of being left alone in the passenger seat of a parked car!!!! I would never have been able to do it without Tina’s help; she’s amazing and has changed my life.
Tina was amazing!
Thank you! I feel much happier now and feel confident in how to deal with anxiety.
Tina has dramatically changed the way I look at things — I can't thank her enough. Each session was a very enjoyable journey, with practical things for me to carry out myself in between. She has enabled me to move on to a much more enjoyable life — THANKYOU!
I started seeing Tina after being signed off with Stress from work and I am so thankful that I did! I had a number of sessions of CBT a few years ago following burnout at work and my experience of CBT then was completely different.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Tina's insight and explanations into my thoughts and feelings and their effects on how well I deal with and cope with various situations/anxiety (& resulting depression) will absolutely have a hugely positive impact on the rest of my life from now on.
Tina is professionally empathetic and non-judgemental, no matter how «small» I felt that my own problems were. Everything that I said that felt perhaps slightly immature, trivial, selfish or sometimes maybe made no sense…received a nod of understanding and an explanation as to why I may feel the way I do.
Our sessions also bought up issues that I didn't even realise were affecting my present feelings and I was encouraged to discuss these. This was a real surprise but made an amazing amount of difference to how I feel now having finished the course.
I cannot thank Tina enough for changing my negative mindset and making me realise that actually…I have a lot to feel positive about and a world out there to be part of!
It has really changed my life. Turned things around from rock bottom to happy, liking and loving myself again.
Thank you so much for your help. You have made a huge difference to my everyday life.
Thank you! For being patient 😊
I would like to say thank you to Tina for all the help over the last 12 weeks.
Felt comfortable, at ease and not embarrassed at all.
Thank you for everything!
Tina helped me, nuff said!
Why would you recommend Evolve to a friend or use again if needed? Results.
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